There is a very active market for the resale of Marriott Vacation Club Destination Points. The great news for the buyer is that there are no restrictions or limitations on the usage of the points purchased in the secondary market. The points are deeded to the same trust as purchased from Marriott directly. The points can also be added to existing points levels for current Marriott customers, enabling them to achieve higher Elite Status levels.
The current market price for Marriott Vacation Club Destination Points is $4.00/point, which is the listed price for the seller. When points are purchased in the resale market there is a $3.00/point Marriott initiation fee that is added to the purchase price. It is this $3.00/point initiation fee that guarantees all of the same benefits to the buyer as buying directly from Marriott. There is a one-time escrow/closing fee of approximately $600 paid by the buyer. For a first time Marriott Points owner there is also a one-time Marriott education fee of $300. When all of these costs are added together, you come up with an out-the-door cost of around $7.25/point, or half of what you would pay for the same product purchased from Marriott.
The annual fees for Destination Points are $.58/point plus the applicable Marriott Club Fee. Under 7,000 points the Club fee is $205, from 7,000-14,999 points it is $245, and at 15,000 points and over it is $270. Existing points owners would not be charged additional Club fees unless the newly acquired points moved them to a higher Club fee bracket.
The key Elite Status levels are as follows:
Owner < 4,000 Points
Select – 4,000-6,999 Points
Executive – 7,000-9,999 Points
Presidential – 10,000-14,999 Points
Chairman's Club 15,000+ Points
When you are ready to move forward and purchase Marriott Points, be sure that you are being represented by a Licensed Timeshare Resale Broker that utilizes a licensed timeshare escrow company. These real estate professionals will guide you through and monitor the escrow process to ensure that it successfully closes, records, and ultimately transfers into your name within the Marriott Vacation Club system.
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